Friday, May 18, 2007

Give Us The Money And We Will Build It!

Duh, thanks the money and the pretty building, now what do we do with it. Is it just the Estesparkian that sees the stupidity in this town? Folks, it was strongly suggested that you not give money to these folks, but, what the hey, you trust them. After all they are friends and neighbors.

If you remember a couple of years ago, our State Legislators were frantic to solve the draught problem by proposing more water storage facilities. We actually had a vote on this. Remember? They said, “give us $2 billion dollars and we’ll figure it out.” Voters said, by their vote, that the State would have to figure it out, tell them how the money was to be spent and then they’d give it to them. Sensible voters are so petty.

Well, pardoner, not in Estes Park. At the mere suggestion of money people flock to the polls (20% of you) and say, hail, hail here’s the cash. This happened with the Hospital to a tune of more than $20 million and with the school district to a tune of over $20 million. These were the dumbest outcomes yet in the sad history of Estes Park voting.

What’s wrong you say? The hospital built a $20 million dollar lobby and some office space for paid staff and forgot to build up the one thing most important, the only real reason they exist at all. That would be the emergency services. Any rational person would use the emergency room here when absolutely necessary and transfer out to a real hospital if that didn’t solve the problem. But, our hospital board of trustees decided they’d deal with that later, build the monstrosity and then beg for more money for the emergency room. And, you moron’s coughed up $2.5 million.

Now we have the same situation with the schools. They have over 36,000 sq. ft. of new space and want to figure out how to use it. Remember the slides with the dirty labs and the lack of handicapped access? All they knew is what they didn’t have, but still haven’t figured out what to do with the property they are building. Accountability always takes the backseat in this town and you keep giving them more money. Will it ever stop?