Thursday, July 19, 2007

How Can You Heal Until You Are Cured ?

Executive Officer Karna Schofer resigned her position at the Estes Park Medical Center.


How many staff went with her?

The health of our community is of the highest priority and we demand an accounting!

Estes Park citizens are not good at demanding accountability, it subscribes to the blind eye oversight philosophy. While the local journalists feed peanuts to the chipmunks for photo ops, and wink at elected official’s high jinks - the Estes Parkian never sleeps.

We think we know why or at least we believe we know, since your local rag is as worthless even as fish wrap, this is the information that was emailed to the Estes Parkian.

Asbestos abatement?

This information was emailed to us a couple of weeks ago and it became impossible for us to confirm, with this defection for no reason effective immediately, some of the pieces seem to fit.

It was reported to the Estes Parkian that during the renovation of parts of the hospital a significant amount of asbestos was discovered in the old section of the hospital (in the form of floor tiles). The contractor supposedly received a letter from the powers that be at the hospital that stated: a necessary inspection was performed and the hospital was clear of asbestos…..but this proved to be false.

If these reports are true, asbestoses abatement being expensive could eat up the entire remaining construction budget, including the additional money raised for the emergency room.

If this information is true and we want to impress on you that we have not seen official documentation, only an email from a concerned individual.

When does the hospital board fess up and ask for more money? Karna evidently didn’t want that task?

The Estes Parkian wants to know the truth, this important to us all. Cut the politics and inform us.