Sunday, July 29, 2007

How The Town Planned the Attack on the Chamber

As you know, you can always contact the Estesparkian at

Over the past several weeks there has been a consistent flurry of e-mails right from or about the Town. It has taken a good deal of time to sort through and try to verify the information and it is being looked at very carefully, put in order in an attempt to tell the story that is now coming out. The Town has been accused, and the court has found them guilty, of overstepping their bounds in the area of Sales and Marketing. There have been comments that perhaps the Town isn't really guilty of anything, it has just been a pissing contest with a malcontent few people at the Chamber. With the information now being studied, thanks to the loyal followers that seek the truth, we now know the plan by the Town to destroy the Chamber (perhaps illegally) goes back several years. The following is a copy of one of the many documents that have been sent in. It will be interesting to see what the courts will think of this and the documents that will follow. The words are direct quotes, the formatting does not always appear the same as it was presented. That's a technical issue. However, this seems like important stuff and we'll all hear much more about this in the comming months. Therefore, just a taste: [Note the date]

Town of Estes Park
Fulfillment and Fulfillment Committee
Preliminary: for meeting on 04-29-03
Revised on 04-30-03
If the Chamber rejects the last contract outline of 04-21-03, the Town needs to have an alternate plan for providing the fulfillment portion of our marketing program. This document outlines the method and procedure for creating or transferring those functions now managed and controlled by the Chamber Resort Association.
Direction of Fulfillment Functions
It would be logical that fulfillment functions will be under the direction of the Economic Development Department, with additional employees. Oversight would be provided through a new Fulfillment Committee that would be similar to the Advertising Committee.
Outline for Action
Vacation Planner
a. Presently, the Chamber has a contract with Brochures Plus for production of the next two yearly issues of the Vacation Planner.
b. The Town could assume the contract.
c. The Town pays approximately $36,500 for handling and 1 st class direct mailing.
d. The Town could probably handle this portion without new employees, as the publisher does the work. Committee time not incl.
e. Brochures Plus is already selling the 2004 book.
f. Presently the Vacation Planner is revenue neutral to slightly better.
a. The website, as used here, can be a large site under a domain address or be a distinctive separate part of the main site.
b. Presently the Chamber owns a newly developed website that is part of Town Fulfillment. The $25-30,000 cost of site was paid from EPIC funds.
c. Access and cost of the website depends on Chamber membership, (about 380 businesses), and is the sole access for some.
d. The Town advertises the Chamber site through direct links.
e. The Town can continue with direct links until we have our own site developed and managed. Purchasing Chamber site still an option.
f. The Town needs its own fulfillment website, (part of our existing site),
and should develop one as soon as possible. Once that's done, we can cut off our link to the Chamber site.
g. We will need personnel to collect fees and monitor site.
itor 00 .

3. 800 Phone answering
a. Presently the Chamber answers the 800 calls and is reimbursed by the Town on a $1 per call basis. The number of calls is decreasing by 200/olmonth.
b. The Chamber owns the phone equipment at the Visitor Center but may not be allowed to remove it if they vacate the building.
c. The Town owns the 800 number.
d. The Town can 1et this arrangement ride until such time as the Chamber, or we, decides to change.
e. The Town will continue to control this function either with Town employees in the Visitor Center or through the Chamber with performance criteria.
f. A fee would be charged as part of package.

Visitor Center
a. The Chamber currently has no lease for the building, as the last one expired in 2001, despite negotiations.
b. Presently the Chamber mans the Visitor Center with 4 full-time employees working behind the counter and as 800 phone operators.
c. The ambassadors provide seasonal assistance.
d. Brochure racks are rented to area businesses and filled by Chamber employees.
e. Chamber produces maps for restaurants, shops, etc.
f. Town could provide all functions with similar staffing.
g. The Town could occupy the V.C. when we take over the phones.

5. Equalization
a. We recognize the need for out-of-town businesses to pay for services provided to them by the Town.
b. We believe a payment equal to 2% of gross receipts would offset the inequality between in and out-of-town businesses.
c. Because we cannot audit gross receipts, we need another formula.
d. A payment of 0.4% of the appraised value of the property may be a good alternative because the appraised value is a public record and is roughly based on gross revenue.
e. This payment would be made to the Town advertising arm and would allow those businesses to participate in fulfillment services at the same level as those in town.

The Chamber has been able to support itself with member dues, (Approximately $145,OOOyr.), and fees for services. Most, if not all of the members pay their dues in order to receive Chamber fulfillment services. We can assume that the services that the Town would now be offering would be worth at least as much as what exists, and the number and pay scale of current employees would not change appreciably, therefore the bottom line cost to the Town would not change appreciably.

Detailed Estimate of Costs/Revenue
I. One manager at $40-50.000 .
2. Three to four full-time clerical workers at $20-30.000 ea. 3. Part-time seasonal clerks at $25.000 total 4. Misc. costs at $30.000 year

Other Costs, one time
I. Build or purchase new website $10-30,000
2. Purchase Domain Name $30,000 (option)
3. Enhance or replace phone equipment Lease
4. Replace and upgrade office equipment $40,000 5. Miscellaneous costs $20,000 6. Total ($70-120,000)


1. Vacation Planner; $0-5,000
2. Website: $60.000'to $120.000 3. Leads: ?
4. Brochure racks: $15,000