The political air in Estes Park became too polluted even for the Estes Parkian; we needed a breath of fresh air.
After three hundred articles "plus", the Estes Parkian took the time to review our many facts, directions, solutions, opinions and prognostications, for relevance and accuracy. It’s hard to argue with the fact that we have been spot on, not only that, but you missed me, go on admit it.
Estes Parkian “Pundit Supreme” has no fear of, or respect for the twisted politics of Town Hall. Unlike your Hospital District Board, the Parks and Recreation District Board, the Library District Board, the two sewer districts and the School District Board of Education all proven to be frightened of Town Trustee "reprisals". EPURA commissioners and the Town Trustees have concocted their own logic, twisting the definitions of what is “Urban Blight” to meet their selfish needs. After all, what good could these pointless district boards do with all that money? In the past, we all have witnessed the Parks and Recreation District Board of Directors crawl on hands and knees up the Town Hall alter, head bowed begging for a hand out, because they ran out of funds to heat a little swimming pool.
It is fundamentally bad government, for such a small community to create so many special taxing districts (with more waiting in the wings) to service such a small population. No one knows where the Town begins or ends, or what these districts are suppose to be doing. Even the town Mayor doesn’t know where the city limits are. This is a small Valley, and in these tough economic times we should be thinking in terms of consolidation, efficiency and economic developement, not more taxes and more taxing districts.
The Town Trustees have "called out" all these boards, "we will take the money and you will not stop us". The officials elected to serve on all these boards are hiding, looking the other way, while someone else fights their fight. The trustees are muscling this Urban Renewal issue down everyones throat. The officials on the affected boards, each and everyone have a fiduciary duty to the people in their district, to collect all the funds they are entitled to.
Not one word, from any of them.
The Town Trustees said it for all to hear “none of you are players” in this valley, the Town Trustees alone make things happen. This Valley would be a dump, if not for them. All the other district boards are nothing but political milk toast.
The top ten reasons Estes Park needs the Estesparkian:
Ten: Town Hall employees attempted to interfere with the Estes Parkian and our very effective path to reform.
Nine: The Trail Gazette is starting to act a bit more like the Fourth Estate, not like a Town Department. We applaud them for growing a spine.
Nine: The Trail Gazette is starting to act a bit more like the Fourth Estate, not like a Town Department. We applaud them for growing a spine.
Eight: The data we receive from the State of Colorado concerning the economic health of our community, conflict with the gibberish coming from Town Hall.
Seven: Because our elected officials cannot stay on task, and blindly employ imbeciles like the town attorney and the community developement brother-in-law, trustee wives, and it must be noted we employ far to many local failed business people. We cannot afford to keep spending our money on ineffective people that are accustomed to a culture of failure.
Six: Home Rule, the best government is the government closest to the people. We must have elected officials that serve the citizen of Estes; not RMNP, not unincorporated Larimer County, not tourists, not town staff members, but the people that elect them, you and me. Estes Park for Estes Park.
Five: No more taxes, Town Hall has more than enough money to accomplish the tasks assigned. Our Mayor told us that we are doing better than any mountain resort community in Colorado; staff received bonuses - in fact we increased staff, now they are pushing tax increases. Wake Up People!
Four: It is my responsibility as a tax payer, to oversee the people that are spending my money.
Three: If not me, than who? You aren’t doing anything and some one must, for the love of Estes Park. Your elected officials work for town employees, not you. It was true when we said it four years ago, and it is still true today.
Two: I received more emails requesting my return than Bill Pinkham received votes for mayor.
The number one reason for my return: John Baudek is running for the school board.
The Estes Parkian “A Home Rule of One”.