First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win. Mohandas Gandhi
During the past five years we have brought you the truth.
During the past five years 500,000 people have accessed the Estes Parkian
Please keep in mind you may not agree with “The Estes Parkian” but at the end of the day “The Estes Parkain” is not spending your tax dollars like a drunken sailor in a brothel.
As you have pretty much caught on we have little or no respect for what goes on in town hall, because town hall IS broken. The people critical of the Estes Parkian the “Love Us or Leave Us” crowd we shed like water off of a ducks back. Do not tell me how much you Love Estes Park until you take the responsibility to legislate your own community - GO POUND SAND!
We will endeavor to persevere.
The Estes Parkian
A Home Rule of One