Time once again to choose Trustees, the once every two year popularity pageant amongst the retiree clubs in Vacationland. Raising the question which local non-profit will turn out the vote SOPA , ROTARY or AMBASSADORS?
The Estes Parkian made a conscious choice to be moot, for the first time in five years, not making selections to see what would happened, nothing! No issues raised, no positions, no community buzz, no passion, no splash in the local press, no bio’s, back to the under the radar elections famous in Estes Park - BTEP (Before the Estes Parkian).
Without community debate, open forum of the issues, arguments, pro and con, ying and yang, the debate, the issues argued publicly, without it you have nothing! Without debate you do not have a represetative form of government how would you know what the candidates represent? You elected me without even asking, leaving me to do as I choose. If you ask me no questions I can tell you no lies.
It could happen you would elect a candidate that would make a mockery of the flag and our community you would be forced to recall him because he didn't represent the community standard. How would you know these details without public debate?
Before a few of you burst a blood vessel the League Of Trustee Wives event is not a debate it is a controled gathering, a show case, more like a dog show than a debate.
A group of citizens organized a trustee candidate’s forum and your two incumbent trustee candidates Eric and Dorla couldn’t be bothered to make an appearance. If you accept that kind of contempt from your elected leader’s you deserves the results, excuses and deceptions.
Estes go park your brain - honestly using my elected position or my town job to benefit personally is not corruption, honestly it’s being savvy!
Accountability - The Estes Parkian the publication raised some very pointed questions, facts , presented data, to which the trustee candidate incumbents could not account . So they hid out, probably in executive session with the lights out.
Estes Park and its leaders could not survive an open public debate; the politics of Estes Park are best left in the dark out of sight, best to be ignored, it would be best to not get ones retired hands dirty. This not a real town it is Vacationland our real home town being some where else, so why bother?
“The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference” Bess Myerson
The Estes Parkian
A Home Rule of One