Sunday, January 03, 2010


What we are witness to and have been forced to endure in this campaign is a display of the most sanctimonious, manipulative, bureaucratic con job recently perpetrated upon the people of the Estes Valley. The Friends of EPURA are talking in deliberate circuitous paths leading nowhere with confusing little asides that do not pertain, diverting attention, deliberately creating confusion and community division, and certainly not demonstrating leadership skills.
We would like to share with you a peek behind the scenes of EPURA. The following emails bring into focus our point. Friends of EPURA sent this e-mail to dozens of people, and it has now wended its way into the inbox of the Estes Parkian. [we’ve put the first e-mail at the top instead of the bottom. A couple lines are in bold for emphasis]

Please understand when you read these emails that Heath Construction of Fort Collins, Colorado received millions in exclusive EPURA contracts, some as no-bid contracts. Local contractors were precluded from involvement.

From: Wil and Barclay Smith []

Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 3:20 PM

To: Bill See; Randy DeMario;;


Subject: The Future of EPURA

Gentlemen - Bill, Randy, Don and Bob,

Hope you all had the best Christmas Season ever and that your New Year will be even better than that!!! Ours was fantastic!
As you are undoubtedly aware, two weeks from yesterday, votes will be counted and it will be determined whether or not EPURA will be abolished. There are as many opinions as to what will happen as there are caring people in Estes Park. There is a small group of very caring people, Friends of EPURA, who are voluntarily working very hard to influence the right outcome. They are working in many ways and have sent out one mailing, of which I am aware. They would like to send at least one more mailing before the voting deadline, to present the truth about EPURA and squelch the blatent lies concerning EPURA's stealing of money from the various taxing district.. As you know, no public funds can be used for this purpose.
You guys have been an integral part of the success of EPURA is its first quarter-century.

 If EPURA continues, I like to think that you will be a part of the success of its second quarter-century, although there is no way to ensure that. Only one thing is for sure. If EPURA dies, there will be no EPURA opportunities for any of us.

If you were to see fit to make a small contribution to help with the cost of additional efforts to get the truth out and hopefully get the right result at the polls, it would be good for all of us and mankind in general. Please contact Jim Cope, former EPURA Commissioner and a key member of Friends of EPURA, at or (970) 586-4684.

Since I am writing this in front of the crackling fire in my farmhouse near Abingdon, Virginia, I have no financial interest in this whatsoever. At the same time, having poured my soul into this thing for the final decade of my planning career in Colorado, I would like to see EPURA continue its good work for the sake of the community. And, quite frankly, it would be a nice, swift kick in the butt for some idiots and real jerks!
Finally, consider the attached letter from Mayor Pickham, which outlines very nicely the advantages of continuing EPURA.

Thanks for your consideration. In any event, you are invited to visited the farm in 2010!!!
Wil Smith

From: Randy DeMario

Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 3:59 PM


Cc: Wil and Barclay Smith ; Bill See ; ;

Subject: RE: The Future of EPURA
I am sorry for not getting back with you sooner. Heath Construction can donate $5,000 to help support the future of EPURA. Please consider this firm commitment and use the funds to help the public better understand the benefits of continuing EPURA.
Please let me know how to address the check and I will get the funds headed your way. Good Luck!
Randy DeMario
970-218-0808 Mobile

970-221-4195 Main

970-221-2907 Fax

Randy --

What wonderful and welcome news! Thank you so very much. We'll put the funds to work right away, and hope for 25 more years of progress for Estes Park.
This is a shot in the arm for our campaign, as you might know.
Thanks again.

I recall the sanctimonious bellowing of town officials crying “this is Estes Park not Loveland or Fort Collins we would never do that!” Every time you see the Mayor on TV ads this week, or when you see giant ads in the Friday paper, remember it was paid for by an out-of-town contractor who profits just as handsomely from a useless kayak run as a worthwhile project.

This brings to mind an applicable quote: Grub first, than ethics, Bertoly Brecht

In October, Wil Smith resigned as director of EPURA and immediately moved out of town. Evidently he chose not to live with the results of his efforts.

The original EPURA resulted in some positives but certainly not all community positives were caused by urban renewal. To claim that is absurd.

Over the last 25 years, the many private business investments have eclipsed EPURA investment many times over. The YMCA alone is spending $40 million on improvements at this time. Stanley Village was built with private money.

In the last 25 years, we the people of the Estes Valley have found it necessary to create special districts to assure the continued funding of our most essential community services: education, fire protection, hospital, parks & recreation, sewage treatment, and our library. Our special districts also contribute in incalculable measures toward property values and quality of life in the Estes Valley.

Our special districts are funded with property taxes. In this most difficult economy, all of our special districts will need all the money they were awarded by the voters.

The “new” Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority requires every tax collecting authority in the affected area to pitch in to its effort, providing over 97 percent of the funding. The Town is now providing less than 3 percent. That’s legal, but it is selfish and hurts our community. Town Hall wants the money.

The idea promoted by the friends of EPURA that somehow urban renewal in this valley is funded without taxes and without taking money from anywhere is ludicrous. The idea that funds appear from out of thin air and not diverted from valley wide essential services is equally absurd. The Larimer County Assessor has no reason to lie when he calculates the amount of money EPURA takes from each taxing district. What about the people who profit from the diverted funds?

Please join and vote to righteously retire the urban renewal authority as required by law, A Vote of the People

Vote Yes to End the Mess

$20,000.00 EPURA Paintings