3616 Registered voters in Estes Park
2207 Votes cast
61.03% Electorate responded
60.63% voted YES - 1338
39.37% voted NO - 869
The voters of Estes Park overwhelmingly adopted a citizen’s initiated ordinance calling for the retirement of the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority.
Three months ago the citizens of this valley voted to impose a tax upon their property in order to remove control of the fire department from the town trustees. No one was pleased with the way the town trustees were operating essential fire services, a special district HAD TO BE formed to guarantee fire services.
Obviously this group of trustees grossly misread the citizens of Estes Park and subjected the private citizens of Estes Park to enormous personal legal expense just to have a voice in their own local government:
Eric Blackhurst
Dorla Eisenlauer
Chuck Levine
Jerry Miller
John Ericson
Mayor Bill Pinkham
April 2010 three trustees come up for reelection:
Eric Blackhurst
Dorla Eisenlauer
Richard Homeier
The Estesparkian - A Home Rule of One